Monday, March 12, 2007

February 2007 Net Worth Update

As of February 28, 2007:

  • I have $23,642.46 in cash, checking and savings accounts. An increase of $344.17 since last month.
  • I have $31,580.94 in my 401(k), Roth IRA, and other stock accounts. An increase of $1,196.51 since last month.
  • I now owe $15,591.38 on two credit cards at 0% interest. An additional debt of $56.20 since last month.
  • I have a home and a car worth approximately $130,900.
  • I now owe $117,221.94 on my mortgage and home equity loan. I paid off an additional $309.59 since last month.
  • I currently have $649.98 in my Health Savings Account. This is an increase of $199.67 since last month.
My total net worth is now $53,960.06. This is an increase of $1,993.74 over last month. Not a bad month overall. It would have been much better, but my retirement account took a nasty little dive at the end of the month, along with the rest of the stock market.

One note, my high balance in available cash is offset by the large credit card balance. I finally decided to try taking a 0% loan and stick it in a savings account and earn 5.84% on it for a while. It's sitting at HSBC Direct to take advantage of their temporary promotional rate.

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