Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Account List

I like to think I'm somewhat computer savvy. I've been using a computer in some form or another for around 20 years now. I play games on my computer, I use email to communicate with most of my friends, I work on a computer all day, and most of my financial information is stored on my computer. I'm pretty good about creating backups of the important files, but what if something happened to me?

Almost all of my banking is done online. I manage my 401k, Roth IRA, brokerage accounts, money market accounts, savings accounts, checking accounts, home loans and credit cards online. If something happened to me, it would be very difficult for someone to track down exactly where I keep all of my money.

And for this reason, I need to create a list of all my accounts, what the current value of each is, and how to access the account if something were to happen to me.


. said...

It is actually a very good idea to create a list of accounts. I have done this and shared it with the executor of my will, who is a family member that I trust implicitly.

mOOm said...

I have too - sent copies to a couple of people for safe-keeping.